Wednesday, October 22, 2008

While I 'm at it

I made 25 calls to women in Indiana earlier in the week asking them to vote early and to volunteer if possible. I got the names of these 25 Obama supporters and a script of what to say from I've been donating $25 at a time to the campaign since much earlier. I've made 4 donations, totalling $100. Doing so really did give me that sense of ownership that one hears about.

Four years ago Mark and I watched Obama's speech at the DNC in a hotel room in Alpine, TX. Since that time, my support for him has grown steadily, and my disenfranchisement from the political process has been evaporating as I find that there is a candidate I believe in, and that what I do matters in a very real way. The most amazing feeling is being one of a huge network of people who really have done this. Finally feeling that the number of people who believe like I do, or closer than what we've had in the past is as big as we always suspected and that we are finding our voice and maybe even a new way of doing things. Barack is a community organizer in the clearest sense, and it totally astounds me.

So having given financially several times, I finally decided to go ahead and give of my time and my voice and make some calls. I won't say cold-calling was exactly fun, but I certainly felt good about doing it, and good about myself, and I did manage to have a couple of very nice conversations. More importantly, I answered some questions for a couple of voters, and left lots of messages asking for people's support. I'm very glad I did it.

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