Thursday, November 20, 2008

Al Queda vs. Obama

Zawahiri called Obama a house negro? What? His statements were strong and thus did seem a bit desperate and certainly beneath Barack Obama. This should be interesting. Read about it here.

More Video!

In this segment I was gratified to see Katie Couric being so cool and getting to respond to some of Plain's spin about their interviews. It has really bugged me the way Palin tries to pretend that Katie Couric asked her "What magazines do you read up there in Alaska?" That is not true, and I'm glad Couric cleared it up. Enjoy.

Sad but True

I'm a softy, and I hate to see anybody in this situation, but look at this video of President Bush and the (lack of) relationship he has with other world leaders from the G20. It is sad and it shows what happens with the kind of policy we have pursued. What kind of policy is that? Greedy, aggressive, cocky, excessive. Who wants that?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

An Interview with Our New Health and Human Services Secretary

and also too there, you know?

This article is hilarious and unfortunately, true. I have to say that for myself, I used to be more into free flowing, unstructured speech. Theoretically, I was for it. But having lived through the last 8 years and the most recent election cycle, I now find myself firmly on the side of complete sentences.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Drill Baby Drill

Here is Robert Redford's take on the transition.


Get the lowdown on the Sarah Palin investigation in this excellent article.

Friday, November 14, 2008

First Great Article of the Day

Is this one, a favorable opinion from Europe on the possible selection of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Great article!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Holy Shit!

This article is funny as shit, and I am an uneducated southerner. Let's hope what he says is true and the right-wing nuttos are on their way out.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

True Dat

I Love This Article

On the subject of Michelle's red dress.

Did you catch this?

In this interview with Matt Lauer, Sarah Palin again pretends that Katie Couric somehow asked the insane question "What do you read up there in Alaka?" Yes, Sarah, that would be a weird question. Why did you hear that or why have you made that question up? Couric simply asked you what papers you read. You, as a vp candidate. She said nothing about "up there" in Alaska. This is obvious b.s. Palin is trying to spin to keep from admitting how terrible she did in the interview and put the blame on someone else. This is why I have so little regard for her character.

In a totally different view on the world, there is a boy in India who is supposedly being considered as a possible reincarnation of Gautama Buddha. Hmm. I thought the Buddha stopped reincarnating once he got enlightenment and got rid of the last of his Karma. But obviously, I'm not an expert, and how can anyone really know that anyway. Regardless, it is interesting. I'd like to see what he says.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

What's She Saying Now?

Watch a recent interview with Governer Palin

What to do with Leiberman?

Looks like Obama wants him with the Dems.

Today's News

Here is an interesting article on how Obama plans to close Guantanamo.

And this on the ommission of Fox news from questioners at Baracks' first press conference, and this on the FOX right wing gearing up their Obama criticism.

And who were all those people on the stage with president-elect Obama for the first press conference? His economic team.

Albert Brooks pleads with the president-elect to keep his sense of humor. Or go here to meet some of Obama's closest friends.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Iran Talks Tough to Obama

Apparently Obama's comment that he believes Iran building nuclear wepaons is not acceptable was not welcome by all.

The Malia Slideshow

See her grow here.

Obama Quick to Reverse Bush Actions

A very interesting article about some of what is being planned for when Obama takes office.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Islamic Americans Mixed on Obama

Here is a very interesting article looking at the election views of Islamic Americans, who are conscious of how they are viewed by much of American society.

Morning Blues

Don't say goodbye to Palin yet. A new Rasmussen poll shows that 64% of Republicans wish to see Sarah Palin atop the ticket in 2012. WTF? Seriously. She didn't know that Africa is a continent. She has no better character than to run for the 2nd highest office in the country, even though she knows squat other than how to attack and answer questions like the beauty queen she was, extemporaneous bullshit, saying nothing and making it sound like something kinda, and people love her.

All I can say is that the right wing continues to use fear of the unknown to appeal to its constituents and their voice is somehow much larger than their numbers. Fear always does block out everything else. But I'm really hoping we can come together, as Obama is trying to do. I've been reading this morning about attacks on Obama for his first staff appointments and for the fact that Iranian leaders called to congratulate him. The election is over, but the attacks continue. It makes me sad. But Obama seems to know that as long as forward-looking people continue to work diligently together and not stop to argue nonsense with fear then we will get there.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gun Sales Up Since Election Day

Not sure what to make of this little article. Hopefully Obama will reach out to gun-owners the way he has other groups and speak directly to them, addressing their concerns and deflating their sails a little.

Obama and Biden in the News

Very interesting to me is that Obabma was able to make gains amongst evangelical voters. To find out how, read here.

And the discussions begin, after congratulations for Obama from the world leaders of 9 of our major allies.

A great slideshow of little Sasha growing up.

Biden was welcomed home to Delaware in what seemed like a joyful return as part of a Delaware post-election tradition called Return Day. He and Jill rode in a white carriage to cries of "Way to go, Joe", etc., celebrating home and the easy victory of another Senate seat. The Democratic Gov. of Delaware will have to appoint a replacement once he resigns his seat in 70ish days, and she is in discussions with Senator Biden regarding who that may be.

More Dish on Palin

Read here for more news coming out on the strange behavior of Sarah Palin, lots of good stuff. Thank God they wouldn't let her speak at the concession speech; it actually was healing for the country and she would have just tried to rile people up.

And if you can stand a few minutes of Bill O'Reilly, this bit of reporting (2nd video down) on some of Palin's gaping holes in her basic knowledge is very enligtening. The first video is her own defense against the charges.

In another article that I won't link to here, because it doesn't say much, I learned that a GOP lawyer has been sent to Alaska to inventory and retrieve some of the clothes the governor took back with her.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

National Voter Turnout

An early prediction of how this year's turnout compares with previous years is here.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He Dances, Too!

Thanks to Charlotte for this great little clip!

Let's Celebrate with Some Exceptional Patriotic Singing!

This is from a Texas Tech basketball pregame show. These five girls are sisters. Enjoy!

We Did It!!

Here is the local newspaper of Trivandrum, India, where we used to live. Very interesting to see.

And I won't post everything here, just look for yourself and share in the celebration. But I will get you started with one slideshow, showing reactions from around the country. Look around Huffington Post website to find lots of other great slideshows.

And though this is going back a bit, if you haven't watched it you have got to see the hilarious roasts given by Obama and McCain at the Alfred E. Smith dinner a couple of weeks ago.

Yes we can, yes we did, interested to see what comes next!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My 2 cents on Sarah Palin

Here is a little something that has been on my mind: Despite all there is not to like about Sara Palin, and I have had some strong feelings in this area, there are a few things I do like. I'd like to give voice to them amidst all the excitement of how bad she is.

1. She's a babywearer. She's the only celebrity/public figure I have seen wearing a baby, and as a follower myself of most of the tenets of attachment parenting, I am pleased to see someone bringing this to the public eye. Of course, I can't imagine she has much time to wear or even be with her baby, much less the other kids, so I'm not sure how much parenting she actually does. That said, lots of moms work away from home, and attachment parenting (babywearing, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, gentle dicipline, good nutrition) only helps to strengthen the bonds however much or little you are able to do. So it is a great idea for working moms, and I applaud her for doing any part of it.

2. She does seem nice in some ways. I thought she would seem like a total bi-otch because of the blind ambition she seems to embrace, and yet when her detractors meet her, they come away saying that she was very nice. The snippets I've heard or read of her private conversations also indicate that she really is a nice person one-on-one. Now I don't know how to reconcile the one who says such vile things on the campaign trail, with one being nice to your face. It would at first seem fake and eerily unprincipled. But I can imagine that perhaps she really believes the things she is saying, because she really is operating out of a center of fear on the national level, and yet actually be a nice person. I've seen this dynamic in lots of people I know.

3. It is good to see a woman, and a good looking, sort-of-normal one at that, excelling in politics. I do have sympathy that a good looking woman is going to be made fun of just because of that, not to mention the other inadequecies she possesses. I thought she was brave on Saturday Night Live. And though they also scare me when armed with such out of touch views, I do admire her cajones and her toughness at standing up to criticism and mockery. Not that she doesn't deserve it. She really is ignorant, and the American people have a right to know and talk about that. And it also scares me how her own ignorance is not a deterrent to her, but I do admire the toughness and courage it requires to do what she has done.

Well, I'm not much of a political writer or a personality interpreter, so I'll leave it at that. Just wanted to point out a few of my mixed feelings, while of course saying that I share few of her beliefs and don't respect someone who is willing to be a figure-head without real knowledge of important facts. Despite what she may think, she does not represent or understand most Americans, much less people from around the world.

Saturday, November 1, 2008