Friday, October 31, 2008

Barack of Ages

I just made this video. Hope you enjoy it!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Even the Russians are Joining in the Fun

Yep, it's all on You Tube.

Authenticity, Responsibility, and Appreciation

Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks are at it again, this time analyzing the body language of the McCain's, who the authors feel are missing out on the three basics of thriving relationships. Also a call for consciousness in politics as in relationships.

Oh yeah, baby!

Republicans explain why they are voting for Obama. Gotta love that! Watch the video.

A Healthy Relationship in the Whitehouse

Or so we hope there will be when the next presidency begins. This is going back a couple of weeks or so, but I wanted to post an article that I particularly enjoyed: one about the Obama relationship and what it would mean to have a couple that loves each other in the Whitehouse. To get super cheesy here, I have already taken some cues from them and really feel what good role models they are for our country. The authors, Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks, famous relationship therapists, have also written interesting articles on the body language of McCain, and of Palin.

Next, I will summarize for you a bit more of the Palin wardrobe drama. Here you can read about how Sarah Palin stood up to the SNL wardrobe people about wearing nicer clothes, or just take my word for it. Also, I watched a video from Access Hollywood where the Obamas in June discussed being in the fashion spotlight, and the importance of spending responsibly when clothes shopping (Though it wasn't anyone's top choice, the girls all showed some interest in the subject of clothes. Barack, not so much.)

Yes, I'm a little embarrassed writing about Access Hollywood, but part of my concept for this blog is putting the stories that interest me, knowing that some of those are going to be on the girly side, meaning relationship, humanitarian, and even fashion. This doesn't mean I'm stupid or that all girls like this stuff, it's just part of what interests me.

And if you enjoy seeing Palin reveal herself as an idiot and John McCain showing contempt and both happening at the same time at each other with commentary from media then you might want to watch this video discussing the interviews the dynamic Duo recently did with Brian Williams.

Oh, how I love how this crazy Bachmann lady lost her head, which is not too smart to begin with, and called Obama's character into question and then called for a McCarthyesque investigation into the Congress to find more anti-Americans in hiding. Her idiocy hopefully has lost her her seat in the House. She had been considered very safe up until that point, but within 2 days of her comments on national television leftists had raised over $1,000,000 for her opponent, and the RNC is now pulling their funds from her race. Score another one for the blue side. In this case the defending team kicked a goal against themselves, which is exactly the kind of Huh? move this lady pulled. Go Tinkleburg! (Her opponent). OK, I'll leave off there, but not for long.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Great Obama Pictures

Click here to see them, and keep clicking at the bottom to see more.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Parkinson's Research Discussed by MJ Fox

This was of interest when I saw it, partly because my grandmother has had this disease for 20 years now, is unable to walk or do basic things, and I myself may be genetically predisposed to getting it. I can attest to what he says about nerves making it worse. If my Memaw gets to worrying about anything, her muscle control gets all over the place. I know it can be hard for some people to watch, but perhaps because I am used to it, I don't mind as much. But it is certainly a huge challenge for anyone to live with. From what i remember about this video, I really admired Michael's attitude and courage. I hope he is able to spread some good information to people that will help find a cure for this disease.

While I 'm at it

I made 25 calls to women in Indiana earlier in the week asking them to vote early and to volunteer if possible. I got the names of these 25 Obama supporters and a script of what to say from I've been donating $25 at a time to the campaign since much earlier. I've made 4 donations, totalling $100. Doing so really did give me that sense of ownership that one hears about.

Four years ago Mark and I watched Obama's speech at the DNC in a hotel room in Alpine, TX. Since that time, my support for him has grown steadily, and my disenfranchisement from the political process has been evaporating as I find that there is a candidate I believe in, and that what I do matters in a very real way. The most amazing feeling is being one of a huge network of people who really have done this. Finally feeling that the number of people who believe like I do, or closer than what we've had in the past is as big as we always suspected and that we are finding our voice and maybe even a new way of doing things. Barack is a community organizer in the clearest sense, and it totally astounds me.

So having given financially several times, I finally decided to go ahead and give of my time and my voice and make some calls. I won't say cold-calling was exactly fun, but I certainly felt good about doing it, and good about myself, and I did manage to have a couple of very nice conversations. More importantly, I answered some questions for a couple of voters, and left lots of messages asking for people's support. I'm very glad I did it.

Oh yay, we get to do fashion in the news blog!

Click here to check out some of those fancy duds Sarah Palin is sporting on the campaign trail. Can you imagine going on shopping sprees that cost tens of thousands at a time? You can also see what she was wearing before the money came rolling in for her outfits.

Also from today, this short Jon Stewart clip made me laugh. Scroll down to play the clip.
This is an interesting article about the future of the republican party. It includes a list of likely pres. nominees for next time around as well as a perspective on how the Republican agenda may shape up. What will the Republican party become after this? Also gives a shout out to my boy David Brooks, my favorite republican.